
Isn’t that a bit sexist. Here is an accomplished women who works hard at her craft you pig. Oh nevermind your a girl so it’s fine.

Trump is the only reason this year isn’t the worst. Watching a bunch of liberal cry babies openly embarrasses their selves was amazing.

So to combat ugliness you are going to give money to a business that kills babies and sells thier parts. Great job.

Do yourself a favor and write a better article.

Yea I a agree. How could you show a father in charge of a daughter. It would break this shit version of America we live in.

This is obliviously a case of police profiling. #blacklivesmatter

Yes because every white person is born rich. Shut the fuck up. This white privilege Bullshit is the most offensive crap I’ve seen. Lots of my friends have lost promotions to under performing minorities because the boss was a minority too.

Yea we should just do drugs and ruin neighborhoods. Guess what if large black communities were not infested with drugs and crime than cops would leave them alone. But that would be too easy.

Just some more race baiting by this shit website. Can’t wait for it to go down the drain.

If you mean I feel horrible because again our racist president condemned every white cops lives by calling them racist. This leading to the terrorist movement blacklivesmatter to execute 12 white police officers. Than yea I’m having a bad week. Great job America.

Don’t worry Patrick you can say breast. It’s OK they won’t hurt you.

There are so many sjws on here. I’m sure the new Cid really approaches your complaints. Maybe in the future no women will have breast or better yet we should have them dress in burqas. Then you won’t even know they were there.