His name is Arthur Fleck?
His name is Arthur Fleck?
Here’s the true answer: Every single Toad that puts on the specific princess crown can and will turn into Peach. Why do you think there’s a Toad at the end of every castle in the NES Mario? The crown is passed around as a means to manipulate Mario into “liberating” castles all over the mushroom kingdom. When the Toad…
That’s what happens when you rely on Guardian Forces
Unpopular opinion: I hate the vast vast majority of the cannabis industry. Whether it be the effects explained in this article (and the results of other illegal farms in National Forests), or buying up all of the artist studio space in Denver for grow operations, or covering the floor of the San Louis valley with…
The reply will probably be because ‘lol, nuWho’ but why didn’t they ask McGann to reprise 8, instead of having to come up with 8.5?
Passion of the Christ: This Time, It’s Parochial
Passion of the Christ 2: Judgement Day
Please tell me more about this ‘burrito country’ of yours.
The failing people have with understanding why we haven’t found alien intelligent and civilized life has more to do with distance. Most people, do not understand the almost inconceivable distance between stars, between one end of the galaxy to the other end let alone from one galaxy to the other. When measuring…
Yes! Back in the 60s, it was always recorded live, which is to say, almost no edits were done — everything you see was happening in front of three cameras in a studio. Edits were expensive, because back then they were still done by manually splicing the magnetic tape under a microscope. So if you see a cut from…
Yes, that one verbal slip in his 8 years of the presidency is totally equal to the dozens upon dozens of idiotic and/or demonstrably false bullshit things that Trump says pretty much every fucking day. You really got everyone good! Totally evens out! You idiotic fucking inbred piece of shit asshole dunce. Go fuck…
So it’s a radio star? I thought they were all killed in the 80's.
I feel like this is the foundation for a Seinfeld episode where George wants to go to space to gain 3 inches of height.
Science-based public policies, broadly applied through international action, can ameliorate major environmental threats.
I’m waiting until Season one is done and then getting it for a month to binge through. I’ll pay $10 for the season, but not per month a year.
CBS All Access is $9.99 a month of for one exclusive show?
Did Fusion get bought by FOX? If not, STOP WITH THE VIDEO CONTENT BULLSHIT! No one wants to sit through a fucking video. ENOUGH ALREADY!
Except those “alternate ideas” happen to be bullshit. Ignorance has no place here.
7. Hoard it forever because you are emotionally attached to it.