Dan B.

I think they key thing fans are missing is the word “Legend” in the title. I think of these games the same way we tell fables and fairytales. There are and can be many different versions but the core story is the same.

I have awarded you a second star because 6,999,999,997 people have let me down.

No doubt Netflix made the phone calls. Shame nothing has come of it!

This. Sure they’re ultimately a corporation but they have a history of making fanboy dreams come true.

I know I’ll get hate for this but Edgar Wright is overrated. Sure his films are kinda funny but gets touted about like he’s the Spielberg of geek fandom sometimes.

I know this was a joke but Nintendo’s release of Star Fox 2 shore they are actually listening now!

I never thought I’d say this but I would kill too see Michael Bay’s Phantom Menace.... script for trailer as follows:

Yes, I too love “I Want a New Drug” from the Ghostbusters soundtrack... hey, wait a second...

J. J. Abrams was the one who preached about the mystery box, not Lindeloff.

Ocean’s Twelve tells me that fourth wall break is one step too far. Better as a Children in Need parody! :)

Yeah that would work and I want it but would rather the BBC straight up commission a “Doctor Who: The Lost Adventures” story and have it be a period piece from 1996-2005.

I love this idea.

This literally made me ALL HAIL HYPNOTOAD laugh out loud.

I haven’t actually watched the trailer but what I see here is Prison Break: The Game.

It’s a bad argument in practice because the two things, viewership and marketing, are linked. Neither of us have hard numbers but I bet the marketing budget for season one of OITNB had next to nothing too.

Yes, you’re right and any studio continuing support is great. The flip side is that the game probably should have been delayed a few months so some of these updates were there on day one.

The first Avengers film worked very well and the plot was straightforward, rewatching has shown though how the first half is a bit slow.

Aww, I’ll miss Torn :(

On one hand, they offered Wii U support when few others did. On the other, they released Watch Dogs months later at a higher retail cost and used the lack of sales as a public justification for dumping the system.

Snowboard Kids and the sequel were great. I bet someone else said it but I’m not scrolling through 164 replies.