Death Star Truther

Also available next spring. The Lexus LC 2x12 Combo Amp, with start/stop hybrid technology and custom Lex-Us-Rock™ grill.

Hey this thing I hate, you should all hate it too! I’m so upset you like this thing I dislike! 

I went back a few months ago after not playing for almost two years. The season stuff is confusing as hell and the new menu layout is exhausting to try to comprehend. It's like an entirely different game

I wish I could still love Destiny. I was absolutely excited about it when it was announced. My wife and I had been playing it since the original Destiny’s alpha.  We bought two launch PS4s so we could play it together. And we did play it a lot.  But right around the time it took us to get through Destiny 2 we were

This is a huge fucking deal. Thank you, Georgia, for Stacey Abrams, your two Senators, and the Atlanta DA. 

Out of curiosity, are you planning on cancelling your pre-order and just checking it out on PS+ (if you’re a member, that is)?

Ronnie sucks.  Ronnie’s family sucks.  Ronnie’s “friends” (nobody actually likes Ronnie) suck.  Don’t be like Ronnie.

“Definitively proving” masks “work” to slow the spread of Covid would be unethical. All we can do is rely on what data we do have available, all of which shows that masks seem to be effective at reducing transmission. On the other hand, there is zero downside to you wearing a mask, unless you are one of the very rare

Both masks and lockdowns have been proven to slow this down.   Nice try though. 

Wear a mask you fucking clown. I’m surprised a science denier even knows what an app is. Go actually read some scientific literature you imbecile.

If you’re about to say “But it just means OK you snowflakes!” that was exactly the point. The whole point of gestures like this is so that racist assholes can wink at each other then pretend they were just saying OK when they get called out. 

Just wait until Trump finds out Twitch is owned by Amazon.

“We do not make exceptions for political or newsworthy content...”

Shots fired at Twitter, which has had its “public interest” exception/disclaimer going strong for the past 3 and a half years to absolve itself of its own self-stated responsibility.

Why else would he move back in as soon as he turned 18?

It is not weird but they will have to dress up and fight crime together. 

Pardon me for pointing out the obvious, but if any other grown-ass unmarried man “adopted” a strapping, young teen boy and kept him fairly secret for years (after “dating” his older sister and then dropping her when maybe she was no longer necessary. Where is she in all of this now, anyway?) and then outed himself for

I have given birth to none. I have fostered seven in my home. I have financially supported two Africans throughout their childhood. I am auntie to none by blood, I am auntie to at least 10 otherwise. I have pics of Japanese, Ethiopian and Caucasian kids on my mantel right now. But I take great care NOT to elevate

Gaetz is an awful piece of garbage so I'm going to assume the absolute worst about their relationship. You can probably imagine.

Everytime I see Jared’s face I want to punch it. I am 58 years old, 5'3" and 150 lbs, 23% bodyfat. Plus I wear glasses. But I know I could fuck. him. up. I see his wormy lips and that Botoxed forehead and I know it would take one crack of my bony knuckles and he would crumble like the crystal dildo he is.

Likely story. Jason - and all of Jalopnik - has been in the pocket of Big Otter Jizz for years now.