
As far as I understand, EVE is absolutely full of some real hot garbage people

Gen 2's rival (if you consider that a good guy) is Giovanni’s son

I think the assumption is that pokemon, at least some of them, are nearly at the intelligence of a human and fully able to understand the impact of an economy and their labor. Dogs don’t have any concept of labor or value, they just want to be good boys. 

Would have been a much more interesting, and matured story, if he had shown any measure of success. Still one of the best stories in the games, but the story was ultimately meaningless by making the evil team the same world conquest standard group in the end, and the primary antagonist go “whatever” and quit.

Lol okay

I have issues with that set that I won’t really discuss here, but thanks anyway 

Gonk droids and mouse droids are the two kinds of droid I would totally have in a house for novelty 

Some dude/dudes got access to most of their social media presence and they used it for this? Come on, if you’re gonna put in this much work and personal risk, at publish something interesting 

A local farm store near me had an 8 foot tall stone chicken for sale for like, 6000$ most of my time growing up. It eventually disappeared, so I hope whatever dude bought that is really happy about his massive cock now

We did this for a drive once, and honestly, it was one of the worst things I’ve ever experienced. 

No, they usually either have nothing happen to them, or retire with millions and find a cushy sports reporting job. 

120 dollars for a few inches of mass produced wood and plastic out of place hands. Conceptually I love it, but I think Lego is seriously overstepping the bounds of “collectible” and into ripoff. Comparably sized figurines I can find on various sites seem to go for much less when mass produced, and for this price you

One of the sets is 15 cents off, how do they decide these things lol 

One of the sets is 15 cents off, how do they decide these things lol 

Stroke team to Kotaku comments! Get them in the CT! Push TPA, we’re still within the window!

Well, that’s the end of that franchise I guess. Fun while it lasted 

Those doctors are racist, or buy into unethical medical stereotypes (also racist) 

I practice human medicine. I do tons of good work for a lot of good people, and you’d be hard pressed to convince someone that I’m doing something I should be hiding or isn’t ethical.

It’s either people who want to wave their moral dick around, or people who can’t get girls who want to wave their literal dick around 

As someone with a ton of work experience in psychiatric wards, I was extremely disappointed that the psych ward prison architect DLC was console only. I’m sure it’ll be nothing like a real ward, but it’s fun to have a very loose, largely inaccurate version of what I do in game form. 

I still haven’t even purchased all of CKII, give me a chance Paradox