
To be fair, it’s been nearly 2 decades since Japan had a major casualty event in general. Expecting and preparing for an intentional and targeted arson designed to kill people is probably beyond their design philosophy, especially as a relatively employee supportive studio doing pretty non-controversial work. 

You listed the Lego Y Wing as 350$, it’s 150$. 350 would be a 150$ price increase from normal haha

You listed the Lego Y Wing as 350$, it’s 150$. 350 would be a 150$ price increase from normal haha

Thank god someone in Japan is willing to call out their government’s bullshit 

Nintendo has never understood how to run an online service or community, and I’m not sure they have any intention to do so at this point. 

For people who really can’t get enough Phoenix Wright and have already gone in deep with the fan translations of the non-localized games and the anime, there are some really well produced fan games out there. 

I’m probably going to cancel my prime since the last like, 8 or 9 deliveries have all come several days later than the supposed 2 day shipping I paid for anyway. 

The Metro games didn’t necessarily change my worldview, but they did provide an interesting perspective on desperate societies and how people operate and adapt within them in ways that still result in frequent conflict and old school discrimination. 

I seriously hope there’s something interesting to this story 

Man if you want nips may I direct you to the fine ass Kylo Ren 

I did fantastic because my credit card got compromised by a data breach in my hospital’s billing department, so I didn’t have one all month. It was very interesting since now I have hundreds of coins and need to figure out how to organize them all. 

It can

I legitimately forgot there was modern day story stuff in this game until I stumbled into a story mission after like 20 hours of random derping around. 

I think Ezio is overall a better written character, and more interesting, but Kassandra does get some really good writing later in the game. 

People who are pedantic about the use of words in casual language are literally my least favorite form of linguist. 

Because their store is broken as shit and they are ethically obligated to fix their shit 

Ramadan, the most convenient time period for me to be on night shift at the hospital.

That or the dysfunctional US law system said “well he’s our best suspect sooooooo” 

Well you get to be scared of mass shootings that are technically rarer and not be afraid of rat plagues and dying when you’re 20, so there’s some improvements at least. 

Probably shows just how desensitized we’re becoming to the concept of mass shootings 

Wow, the Sims has lore.