It wouldn’t prevent it, but the main reason I emulate games is a lack of realistic ways to obtain them. I could go buy secondhand products but I’m not a collector and it wouldn’t provide any benefit to the company responsible for the games.
It wouldn’t prevent it, but the main reason I emulate games is a lack of realistic ways to obtain them. I could go buy secondhand products but I’m not a collector and it wouldn’t provide any benefit to the company responsible for the games.
You know what Nintendo could do to subvert the entire illegal ROM and emulation trade?
Even if Trump weren’t officially allowed to do SC stuff, he doesn’t give a rats ass about what he’s officially allowed to do, and no one in the weak Republican government is going to take any action against him.
If there’s anything Valve is good at doing, it’s doing nothing.
The best old games for me seem to be ones that have something unique and so well designed that their release date isn’t crippling. Katamari actually serves as a good example of this for me. There really aren’t games like it, and the core mechanics are solid enough to still be functional today. Katamari really isn’t…
Yes and when anti-abortion people start putting those supposed solutions to why abortion happens into place instead of spending all their time trying to impose their moral system on others, we might get somewhere.
As an orphan from a nation with an abortion rate formerly 3 times the birth rate and formerly insane anti-abortion anti-contraceptive moralistic bullshit, banning abortion and pretending it will improve anything in society is a joke. The Romanian abortion rate did nothing but go down once it was legal again.
Related: We learn in med school nowadays to properly differentiate between true allergic reactions and intolerance/side effect based reactions so we don’t chart someone as having an allergy and causing them serious pharmacy problems in the future.
I think you completely missed the point. I don’t know if you’ve ever seen “blackface” costuming, but Mr Game and Watch does not look like it. This looks far more like it.
I’m going for a wildcard license and going to mention that Spongebob Battle for Bikini Bottom is a far better game than it has any reason to have been.
It seems like more of an ideological declaration than an organized group often times. Isn’t this basically how groups like Anonymous work?
The “all seeing eye” of the government that we so fear may actually be us ourselves in the end.
No, putting forth actual solutions to radical Islam would.
To be fair, the power of 5 million players across the world looking for pokemon in obscure as shit places is staggering. You end up finding some shit.
I don’t think Nintendo is used to running on a platform that they have an iron fist over.
There is basically no way for it to meet expectations. I’m not even sure that technology short of modern super computers in everyone home could handle the expectations people seem to have. In essence, people seem to desire an entirely artificial, and perfectly functional, world. On a massive scale. The kind of scale…
I don’t know what logistics it would take, but I wonder why Nintendo doesn’t just make an in house PC emulator for their old systems, sell it for 50$, then let people buy games off them for 2$ or something. it’s a more expensive method of doing less than we can already do to play old NES games? Now I feel very encouraged to buy it.
It will make your experience using Twitch better, so in the way of improving how well your computer handles Twitch, it will make Twitch higher quality.
Considering how overwhelmed the launch was, they probably “didn’t expect” the traffic they’d get of people requesting pokestops and had to shut down immediately.