
Well, it’s too bad that they regressed

I’m pretty sure in most instances, racist groups are also sexist, and therefore it’s not like the sexism is new.

Racial bias towards one letter over others.

Well, step one. At least there’s progress.

That was almost the first thing I thought of.

The very tiny segment of ME3 in on Tuchanka in which you were in those old ruins and nothing happened was the most disappointing moment of world building in any of the games. Simply because I thought for about 2 minutes that I would be entering the ruins of ancient Krogan civilization or something and that it was

I just want my Mako back. I have no idea why the logic to fixing it was removing it. Free roaming on planets was great, the Mako just needed better physics modeling and to not have jump jets that (hilariously) launch you off cliff faces.

The wild changes Bioware games seem to undergo due to EA are kinda jarring, but I still like them.

It should be the first elevator. Actually, having an extended elevator scene of your character discussing something with an important figure as the opening credits would be fun. It both would work perfectly fine as an opening scene, and be a funny reference.

“Could we actually get something” was the entire EA segment. They showed next to no gameplay, replayed some trailers, and talked about why they like sports games so much.

Maybe add a better inventory system.

If I’m that interested, I pick up the extra bits for way cheaper in a year when no one wants them anymore.

Put birth sex on documents in which there’s medical relevance. Put preferred gender on documents in which sex isn’t important. Refer to them depending on which is important to a conversation.

In the first case, they’re literally not wealthy (although could be in a metaphorical sense). In the second case, you’re parenting a child with a lower capacity for complex reasoning and planning, due to neurological development.

To be honest, every time I’ve been at a DMV it’s been at max a 30 minute affair. Usually I go in, there’s one person in front of me, and I have a nice chat with the person at the desk.

There are many examples in history of nations, organizations, parties, etc hitting an extreme as they die. Their popular support begins to wane, so the people who feel like staying end up more and more dedicated to their cause as the public shifts away.

Technically parents make and are supposed to make decisions for their children (which is where you get issues like anti-vaccination or parents refusing potentially important care). Doctors just have the power of an expert, and are legally obligated to report suspected child abuse. Which might be relevant to a

Actually, birth sex is a reasonably important documentation to ask for.

I think you already have to declare a gender, which is basically what this is saying.

I think the ethical justification for that is that people involved in a situation openly chose to be there, and theoretically understand that planes are risky.