
The allowance of having it is the cultural acceptance part. The original guy was doubtlessly referring to the idea of having sex in games as weird and pervy, where it shouldn’t be because this is a situation in which depictions of sex are not weird or unusual.

Sure, but that’s not an issue with the choice to have sexual themes openly present in the game, that’s a problem with technology and production.

In Poland, where this game was made, discussion and representations of sexual acts or human bodies are much more socially accepted than in the US.

You have more wiggle room with what you’re allowed to do in your institution if you’re a completely private entity.

It would make sense to only treat people for something they’re deficient in.

As far as I was aware, the damaging effects occurred when high amounts of B12 are taken with a pre-existing condition or medications that interact poorly. It’s unlikely for someone in the general population to ever see negative effects from B12 unless they’re intentionally repeatedly taking B12 amounts far beyond what

I don’t have access to testing your nutrition, obviously, but it sounds like you’re trying. The best I can say over some online article is that depending on how much you’re interested, you could try finding a nutritionist that knows something about woman’s nutrition.

Science is usually “this might be something meaningful in some cases”

For the most part, if you’re eating a healthy, varied diet, you really shouldn’t have many deficiencies in the first place, hence the concept of supplement. Most of the vitamins people get from supplements end up wasted by your body due to excess, but luckily the concentrations of vitamins you’d need to cause an

You’d basically have to IV pure B12 to cause negative effects from it, or something along those lines. It really hasn’t been confirmed to cause problems by itself. By the point at which you might cause issues from B12, you’d probably be causing issues due to sheer quantity of it and the effect that a massive quantity

Like how that Pain fight from Naruto was incredibly absurd if you were attentive to the animation of it all.

Considering she’s not being held responsible for anything, I don’t know if I would argue that she did anything wrong. Especially when there’s evidence to suggest that other cars weren’t aware of the police presence fast enough to react and that by police regulation, the officer was the one who committed an offense.

but you’ll still need to own an Xbox One to take full advantage of it.

They could troll us and require us to have an Xbox One to connect to the PC for the game. Which would be incredibly annoying and restrict Halo to an even more limited audience of people who can afford Xboxone and a quality PC.

Mouse and keyboard bindings would probably make it much easier to use.

I mean, if I can play Halo in any way on PC I’d be okay with it, even if it were just MP custom games or something.

At least there even are public transportation systems.

Not sure if you understand just how fast the police car was going, what kind of reaction time people have, or what. But judging based on the fact that there are other obvious cars in the intersection, it seems like no one had much time to really decide what to do.

Maybe you should invest in a surplus tank.

Maybe if you hit someone it would have been lower