
In fairness, the republican party chooses to elect people that enact laws over this and represent themselves as discriminatory jerks. They don’t have to continuously support leaders that put forth bullshit openly and knowingly, but the republican party does.

They probably are still figuring out the fine line of providing for content producers and respecting major companies. Pissing off major companies is a good way to lose a bunch of money if they decide to not work with Google anymore, but content creators are the people that actually make youtube a success by itself.

It’s a slight improvement over the original system in which someone who claims your content would unconditionally receive video revenue until you’ve proven that they’re wrong. Basically, content ID runs on a guilty until proven innocent justice system, and that’s abusable.

I’ve often wondered about that. I have some limited knowledge on music theory, and an absolute shitton of works of music share small bits and pieces, which can easily exceed the time limit for being marked. Or at at least similar enough to potentially be confused.

“win-win for Google” is basically their entire company history.

Region lock the copyright claims. Japanese law doesn’t apply to me, as a US citizen, unless I’m in Japan or their judicial system manages to get the US one to arrest me for them, and send me there.

When gay marriage was legalized and they had to find something new to discriminate on because it’s not socially acceptable to do the old thing?

In theory, the more people in the bathroom at once, the less likely you are to be raped by someone. So by integrating both into one, you virtually double the chance of there being multiple people in the area at once.

I think it’s more an attempt to unofficially ban trans people from the entire region by making life confusing and enable arresting them for everything involved with being trans.

The poor english might be intentional to use the law to their advantage on the grounds that it’s vague.

Probably just offer two non-descript bathrooms and color code them for “aesthetic.”

Something tells me you’re not a very happy person and that discussing issues with you would be a waste of time. Throwing insults at people won’t work with everyone you meet, sorry to say.

Nintendo? I think I read an article a while ago that Nintendo could basically afford to not make money for the next 50 years and would still have enough saved up money to continue operating normally.

I think companies are realizing that consoles are becoming outdated faster and faster.

New Super WiiU

I’d be excited to know....well....anything at all.

They could always name it the Wii One.

Announcing it less than a year before launch with 0 information on the console seems like a desperate marketing strategy to drum up hype and ride it out until next year when it’s actually released.

It’s one of those situations where ‘not what people enjoy.’ It’s also severely reduced the way the RPG system works. Super Paper Mario got away with that by being a really engaging and interesting platformer.

Considering how the WiiU launched relatively poorly due to weak marketing, I’m pretty surprised that this is a console that’s 11 months out and there has been 0 information on what it does, and this is the first official confirmation that it’s even going to be a thing.