
I enjoy series taking new directions. That being said, this is a series which has basically focused entirely on adventurous single player experiences. To come out and say “hey we’re going to not do that for a few more years and do something different instead” makes a current playerbase feel alienated since the game

It’s amazing on the other end when you see some Early Access games ;)

Indie games are a sort of wild west of amazing stuff like Terraria and total junk.

One: Don’t own a console. Don’t want to own a console. Idk if gamefly works on PC but I’ve never heard of it doing that.

That sounds about as exciting as the space era of Spore, which was to say, extremely boring to me. “Oh look another planet that I can’t do anything productive with”

A strong modding community also can make up for the lack of a valuable story (Skyrim). It has lore at least, I guess.

I just stay perpetually at least a year behind on gaming because I’m too cheap to buy games full price.

You seem like the jolly sort of person.

I think it would work best in a game with some sort of coherent yet fake language system. Then you can swim around in it and try to pick up how it works.

I’d just be offended that my work isn’t even worth enough to list me as someone who worked for you in the product I made.

Warcraft 3's credits are pretty solid.

Is there a difference?

The traffic is annoying, but I’ve found that if I make good decisions and varied routes, it usually isn’t tooooo bad.

Simcity wouldn’t let you build on the entire game map (with mods to let you have all 25 spaces). Mostly due to online and storage and lag issues.

It’s the kind of game where you probably need to fail a few times to get used to it. By this point I have no problems throwing up a massive city.

Honestly, Star Wars biology is probably really interesting.

I mean, I’m a guy, so I kinda knew what a penis looked like already.

Technically those are dragons sets.

*buys300$ lego set* *lives in 2 room apartment*

Don’t let them have your name. You’ll get calls for decades.

No, just highschools imposing discriminatory social standards onto kids. Nothing unusual to see here.