
But it is the individual episodes. Every rape accusation is an alleged crime to be investigated and proven true or false (or, in most cases inconclusive).

Two people got extremely drunk and there ended up being some second-base groping in a semiconscious state before they both passed out.

Saying that “these statements are false and defamatory” is a very blunt statement.

Lux claims to have been assaulted on a public set in front of witnesses. Unlike Stoya’s accusation, Lux’s can be corroborated or disputed by other witnesses who were present at the time, so if Deen is what Lux claims he is, it can be proven.

This statistic is commonly misused. Between 2 and 8% of rapes reported to police are established to be false.

It may be that her career has already dried up, and that is why she’s making these allegations.

This is true. But people who believe themselves to have been raped may not necessarily have been raped, either because their subjective interpretation or recollection of events does not match the facts, or because their definition of rape or consent differs from the legal definition.

He’s accused of rape. He’s not worried about perjury.

I don’t see why he is obligated to make someone who is trying to blow up his life feel safe and protected. If he is innocent, he is perfectly entitled to defend himself by any means available, including attacking her character and attempting to destroy her credibility. If he’s guilty, he’ll probably still try to do

Lisak argues that colleges are full of super-predator rapists based on interviews with men he conducted at UMass-Boston, where he teaches. Some of his interviews are fairly chilling, but it is not clear how many of Lisak’s interview subjects are actually students, and UMass-Boston is a working-class commuter school

If you look at that narrative and perceive it as a rape, then your position is the fringe one, not mine. It is a minor, drunken hookup.

Pretty good overview:

Kinsman has already sued Winston for civil damages arising from harms she suffered as a result of the rape. Winston has filed a counterclaim against Kinsman alleging defamation.

Even if Jameis Winston is innocent of rape, it would be very hard for him to sue for defamation over The Hunting Ground.

About a third of Yale’s admissions go to legacies. Another 20% are affirmative action for underrepresented minorities. Another 10-15% are athletes, most of whom are whites in non-revenue sports.

College is a place where you are confronted with people who are different from you. People with different political and religious beliefs. People who are of different races. People who may not understand your culture or sensitivities.

This fails to stoke my outrage. There’s no pattern of abuse, no beating, no hits to the face. Nothing like Ray Rice closed-fist punching a woman so hard he shorted her brain out. Holder apparently got some bruises when she was flipping out on Hardy and he restrained her. Also, it seems like she was cheating on him.

The argument for prison reform is that prison is expensive. Keeping these guys behind bars costs something like $40,000 per inmate per year. The hope is that we can find cheaper alternative ways to correct destructive behavior without putting public safety at risk.