
Volvo is the harbinger of the dominance of high end Chinese manufacturing and at least for now it has nice Swedish design. Better get used to it.

I don’t know a v70 from 2005-2010 looks good. I guess you can buy like 5 or 8 of them... or just 1 and put the other 85% in a 529 to put one of your kids through college, or another investment account and take 2 years off your working life. hey I guess a 60k car is cool too.

haters gonna hate. humans are terrible at dealing with change. They’ll dig in at every opportunity. recognizing this is the first step to overcome it. then one advances to the stage of intelligent skeptic. intelligent skeptics can understand trends and take advantage of stupid people like god and capitalists intend.

like add up the gas dude. its an order of magnitude more than electricity + free super charging. you are one of a number of people in this forum who can’t seem to grasp that operating costs will be substantially different when the cost of fuel is substantially different.

to upset people like you who don’t want to accept a changing world. I mean, I’m amused.

I see them all the time. I even see crazy assholes park them on the residential streets in winter. I guess they don’t need the charge daily with their their small city commutes. Often folks park on the street because its more convenient that detached garages, but I would think the calculus would be different with such

electricity is cheaper than gasoline for virtually all consumers for all time. It is inevitable that EVs will outcompete ICE on CapEX and OpEX. And it will happen faster than anyone predicts, you know like what happens with all technology ever. Good luck in your irrational skepticism.