
How could anyone stop you from voting how you want? You act like you’re bravely running through fire pits to cast your conscience vote.

“I have zero respect for anyone who feels their own high and mighty Facebook bragging rights take precedence over the needs of so many others.”

Yes to all this - special note of mention also goes to the fact that if this passes, in the case that you ever make a sex tape that is leaked somehow, you can be prosecuted for this if you are not wearing protection.

Going by Merlan’s interpretation is wrong because the linked bill directly contradicts her send up. Clickbait lies are par for the course at Jezebel.

To the people trying to deny people born elsewhere the right to marry, to the people who are trying to deny healthcare to someone with likely terminal cancer whose wife has dutifully paid premiums for years, to the people who thinks it’s funny to make a sick man drive for hours to re-marry his wife of 2 decades, to

Even if bigamy were a big problem I am not sure that requiring a birth certificate is the solution to that inexistent problem.

I’m not understanding how needing a birth certificate prevents bigamy. Perhaps you couldn’t marry two people in the same state but would this prevent you from having been married in another state and then marrying again in Louisiana?

He, like most people with bad/no taste, think that if something is expensive, then it is appropriate/beautiful.The more you spend on it, the better it must be! But this is simply not true. The most expensive wine is not always the best tasting, the most expensive clothes are not automatically the best look for you,

I must have spent too much time in DC, because the number of people in the comments who have apparently never heard of Booz Allen Hamilton before is blowing my mind.

7) Doesn’t believe in public education.

Voting is ultimately an act of choosing outcomes, and not an effective instrument to express personal views, convictions and personal ideology.

Voting is ultimately an act of choosing outcomes, and not an effective instrument to express personal views, convictions and personal ideology.

We totally need a so we can neatly organize the collection haha.

They should recind her invite and fly in these girls:

I’m a grad student and a UAW member and I could not be happier about it. All unions are imperfect, but I have a safety net and a support system that help to guarantee my rights as an employee of this institution. If you’re going to base this whole funding thing on employment with the university, how am I supposed to

The last thing Weaver is, is a true believer in the Bern. He’s a dyed in the wool political guy, with a reputation for being a schmuck to staffers, and after however many months I can see people not being willing to put up with it again, on top of the fact he’s probably too doctrinaire to create the kind of revolution

How unsurprising. Frankly, I wouldn’t be shocked by a “baby sacrificed at midnight in Central Park” from this guy. Horrified? Yes. Surprised? No.