
It’s only odd if you somehow make the huge leap in logic that “They’re not being folded” means “The shows are being cancelled.” instead of the simpler much simpler “Everything’s going to be reset back to the way it was before and this event will be of no consequence.”

A good question that they’ve never bothered to answer. Not even sure how it’s possible since Superman & Supergirl aren’t things on Earth-1.

They’re not folding them in. The fact that they destroyed the Teen Titan/Doom Patrolverse is proof of that.

That being Earth-2 also does not make any sense based on what we know about it.

They don’t because it’s not the same Earth.

Yeah that would have been better.

I mean all they had to do was use some numbers that weren’t already in use, same with whatever number this ones going to get.

Or more likely the Black Lightning crew fucked up with the names.

Yeah that bit on Black Lightning made no sense. I’m pretty sure the Pierces & The ASA existing on Earth-1 contradicts a bunch of things on the Flash (Not that this has ever stopped them before)

I don’t watch Legends anymore but isn’t Sara in a relationship with Ava Sharpe?

Or why Ollie somehow got a hold of some.

They haven’t said other than it’s not one of the ones that has been featured elsewhere.

It’s probably Dark Knight Returns reference rather than a BvS one.

The worlds most expensive stool.

And once again we never got to see him in the Costume!

This was a bit better than yesterdays episode, it was nice to see all the cameos and “cameos” for the ones who already on one of these shows. I don’t get this Paragon gimmick though since like everything so far related to Crisis it just feels like gibberish. I would have thought that was a Lantern Corps intro but I

I was aware of that, Orange is the New Black before Orange is the New Black. The description also said that she wasn’t necessarily guilty.

You’d think but they didn’t have any ships the last time Kara went there. I guess whatever ship Clark & Lois took to get there was also not an option.

Well yeah cause it was a win for her, for everyone else “Wooo! Early Tax Return!”

Eh, I don’t even know what to say about this, it was mostly exposition and fighting Ghosts at the very end. There wasn’t much to it. Nice to see Superman again though.