Also a “tribute”, the dad being a shit whose trying to do right.
Also a “tribute”, the dad being a shit whose trying to do right.
Well they’ve got the Elder’s Book so I assume that’s taking its place.
After the slog that season 1 turned into I was amazed that they managed to turn it around so quickly and get my attention back. Moving the show to Seattle and ditching Hilltown and all ditching all of the supporting cast is a smart decision, there’s just too much baggage and terrible characters there (Looking at you…
I can if they’re going to put business law into their show.
I don’t know how anyone hasn’t figured out that Thunder and Blackbird are the same person, what with her still Roman Reignsing it up in every fight. I had a a lot of problems with Anissa’s story arc last year and I’m worried that that it going to continue into this year.
So on the last season we had an evil Car Salesman straight out of Fargo and this season we’ve got and an evil Taxidermist. What happens if they both meet?
Power Play, kill him with his own weakness. That being said the guys who abducted and drugged him were apparently working for Price (It was the same three guys at the end) so maybe it was just Price trying to scare the shit out of Eliot.
Welp, still not a fan of the Lena heel turn but hey, at least Kara finally told Lena the truth.
Especially since the reveal included Kate figuring it out.
They made Dinah a teenage on that show so it seems about right.
Well this definitely came off better then Elseworlds did so I’ll give it that. I’m still not sure about Ruby Rose as Batwoman but she’s no worse than Stephan Amell so I guess she’s fine for now.
It’s telling that I completely forgot Maggie and Jackson’s story going into this premiere when I remembered everything else that was going on. Their relationship sucked and I’m not sad to see it go. Also after having finally seen Detroit: Become Human Jesse Williams has been thoroughly ruined for me.
Koracek took being…
Well hey, if they’re back in the past maybe we’ll get an Agent Carter cameo.
So if Shield knew that Deke was building a company off of dangerous technology why did they let him do it in the first place?
To be fair Kenny tried to warn her that he was going to be on the OP.
Well, they were always more in love with the hunt then they were each other.
Is it going to turn out that Fitz needs to be sent to the future anyway?
Considering how indifferent they were about the whole thing I imagine the Council just doesn’t care that the trio escaped dying.
It wasn’t an orphanage, it was an insane asylum.