
I think the reveal of the monsters being monster kind of ruined the humans are monsters part though.

He was fun but he could have been easily removed or replaced by an another character and it wouldn’t have mattered.

I think Graham’s been good on his own but Ryan and Yasmin have been hit or miss.

This episode was good right up until the bit with the mud aliens and their generic evil plot. They basically ruined what was a good call out of Becka’s (And James to a lesser degrees) killing of the villagers to cover up her own crimes and it was ruined by bullshit.

Yeah the sisters starting to use their powers for personal gain with pretty much no consequences was right around the point the original show went to shit. I’m hoping that doesn’t happen here.

This show simultaneously moves at a million miles an hour and it never just stops to catch it’s breath. Just so many plot things happening in this episode and no time to stop and reflect on any of them. Also I like that the whole Gavin firing plot was resolved by Macy going to her boss and giving some speech about how

Yeah well that’s not going to happen.

You’re right, they should break up.

I’m aware of who is she is comicwise, I’m just confused if she knows she has powers or not, or why she was avoiding going to a doctor if she doesn’t know.

Lena was taking samples from the hearts before she fried them.

This storyline makes James look like an idiot and will likely have him end up actually helping the villains at some point.


Man, I think James may be a worse journalist then Kara and that’s amazing considering how bad she is at it. Also like he kind of overreacted a lot to the revelation that Lena kept him out of jail, like would you rather be in jail or free?

Yeah deleting Nico was a mistake, especially since the dude was after her is still around and stealing blood from labs. But I’m sure she’ll be back at some point on her own to have some very awkward interactions with Mel.

They kind of made a sound like a Star Trek kind of deal “Work for fulfillment and nothing else” Escept you know, they were doing it for money that they all clearly needed.

Yeah the entire introduction of Kira and Dan was basically “Look at these nice people who are going to die.”

The return of the Fez! Doesn’t quite go with the Doctor’s current outfit though. I do like that they didn’t spend a lot of time lingering on the director and HR ladies “failings” and the fact that the director had actually solved part of the mystery before the Doctor showed up.

This one’s less fucked up then that though.

You know, the idea of Darryl and Rebecca never once crossed my mind, but it makes a lot of sense. Also the idea of Nathanial and Heather being friends. This whole episode was basically characters that don’t normally interact but got along well when they did (Paula and Josh less so but still).

They’re off pouting about G&G outshining them in the crazy department.