
She needs so when she gets shot in a dark alley her son will become Batman.

Josie goes on the road as solo singer with Kevin as her manager. They go town to town doing gigs and solving crimes as they go. Eventually they track down Valerie in Altered Carbon land and Melody in wherever the hell she ended up and bring the band back together.

Kevin was too concerned with getting laid to worry about where that was coming from. (Remember earlier in the season when we learned of this lovely plot development?)

Yeah the Gay Conversion wasn’t as bad as I thought it would be, mostly because they really just played it really softly. But yeah, I figured that they would have had Cheryl get over it after this episode, not the very next scene.

So have they mentioned whatever happened to Michelle Hurd’s character since the end of season 2? I know she has a new role on another show but did they say where her character on this one went?

In theory yes, but even the show kind of wobbles on that.

Well if this one doesn’t work out he’ll probably just be back next season like: “Miranda, you were right, that was a dumb idea.”

They’re saving that for their weed based spinoff.

I wasn’t that impressed with this but it wasn’t bad.

What else would it be then?

No actual blood relation and Betty’s still under the Blossom curse.

I assumed the pigtail thing was them attempting to make her look super vulnerable.

And not just any teenager, fucking Archie Andrews. Then again the biggest threat to Hiram is apparently Jughead so apparently kids are just all powerful on this show.

Apparently yes, I have no idea who the bad guy in this story is supposed to be.

It helps that FP and Jughead are around each other most of the time. Until he came back in the last episode when was the last time we saw Fred?

I’ve never watched anything Andy Cohen’s been in but from commercials for his shows he seems fairly obnoxious. So yeah, a horrible start to this episode.

And we need to hear that because? They had her getting shot repeatedly and with her powers active without her going “GOOOOOOWWWWOOOOOOHHH!” It’ll be fine if she never does it again.

She’s not holding her breath, she’s just making a weird noise and they need to cut that shit out.

Yeah of all the people in that family, Anissa was the worst one to break the news to Jennifer.

Have we seen any of them out in the sun? It’s always foggy in Riverdale.