
And then they both pull off their masks and they're Eric Roberts and Derek Jacobi respectively.

Or another level of the ship that looks like Antarctica.

That was some Mission Impossible shit with The Master's mask there. I wonder where this is supposed to be during The Master's timeline, did he pop off while setting up his Prime Minister plot to go do this? Or was this after he went back to Gallifrey?

Nicki's death was disappointing and I have mixed feeling about the final scene but otherwise this was a decent finale.


Mr. Wood's a god now on the show and as for Mr. Town I guess we'll just have to wait and see.

Boy was that a weird episode of Star Trek.

Yeah pretty much, prior to this show if you had told me that someone was going to make a straight up adaption of something like say, Lucifer, I'd say good luck with that but hey, they pulled it off.

Jesus seems like a guy who regularly makes that mistake.

It's working.

So that was goddamned excellent, an interesting thing though, In the books it's Bilquis who gets killed to jump start the conflict whereas here it's Vulcan's manufactured murder that does that. Though I guess Bilquis could still get killed later on. She is being forced into the role of a mole for the New Gods after

You mean Ferdinand?

MK's death felt very out of the blue and pointless, they basically set her up as a behind the scenes helper figure and then just dumped her as quickly as they introduced her.

What did the Doctor think would happen if he killed himself and left Missy to her own devices? Even if she has allegedly turned Face.

Probably the latter.

Most likely, there's people who do that for everything that gets an adaptation.

I figured the message he received from Ray Wise was supposed to show him what awaited him in death and that he could either change his ways or face the wrath of all the people he and his family had killed.

Yeah he needs to work on Legion season 2.

Well we'll see, the reason I think he's still going to make an appearance is because for some reason his actor has main cast billing alongside Emmett/Ray, Nicki, Varga, and Gloria. And the main casters have all lasted until the final episodes so far.

What's this now?