
Is Thanos Blue or Purple? If it's the former him too.

Whatever Yondu from GOTG is, the Asari, the Androrians…

That's the thing about time and space, they're endless.

That or it just never came up because he's a bit more focused on people being racist at him. Which based on his reactions seems to happen quite a bit.

True but they also focus a lot on the heads of the suits owners too.

A two parter would have resulted in an hour of zombie Bill walking around the station for an hour while the Doctor blindly putzed around trying to figure how to slay capitalism.

Tonight's villain of the week: Capitalism! And robotic spacesuits powered by Capitalism, what a strangely political episode.

Well that depends, do you like shows about four stupid teenage girls being cyberbullied by god for about seven season with minimal answers to the many questions posed by this series?

His biggest role seems to have been a 15 year stint on All My Children. He was also on American Horror Story: Asylum but I barely remember his character.

Mark Consuelos

Everyone's a better reporter than Kara Danvers. (Well except Iris West that is)

Double Yes

Imagine how she'd feel strolling into one of the Arrowverse shows next door.

*Nana comes rolling down the driveway* "Sorry dearies, I was getting my red stripe redone what did I miss?"

*Nana comes rolling down the driveway* "Sorry dearies, I was getting my red stripe redone what did I miss?"

They're apparently having to recast Reggie so maybe we'll get more of him next season.

Riverdale Parenting Tips:
1. Snitches get stitches, you're son will be fine without you in Southside High.
2. If you're trying to buy out your daughters boyfriends father out, ask your daughter to put some sexual persuasion onto her boyfriend to help speed that along.
3. If your daughter appears to be depressed, fuck her…

Oh I have no doubt the diehards will tune in, it's everyone else that may be a problem.

Could be an "I'm the only one allowed to fuck with you." Kind of thing. He's angry that Chase is doing what he wants to do.

To be fair Team Arrow are all kind of idiots so they kind of do need outside help on this one.