
I remember when you lost your memories that one time. You worked for Doc Ock and were a bum for most of that time.

You know I was thinking back the other day about most of the female villains they've had on the show and it occurred to me how most of them had their villain side existing as a split personality. Like Teen Magneto at the start of this season and the lady speedster from season 2.

As they said in Looper: "If we start talking about this shit we're going to be making diagrams out of straws all afternoon and we don't have time for that shit."

It was so goddamned refreshing that they had Fitz take responsibility for all the awful shit he did on AOS because here on Flash, it's never Barry's fault unless we need to milk some angst out of the situation.

Scarface: "You know, if you kill yourself there's no guarantee that I won't cease to exist."
Barry: "Yeah but you're doing all this to torture me so either way you'll have lost your lifes purpose."
Scarface: "…Well shit."

Oh he's inspirational all right, to his villains.

Apparently he was fine with this development. "Hey if I didn't have a problem with incest before, why should I start now?"

A grimmer version of Jay Garrick?

I'm pretty most if not all of us hate the Kaitlyn Bullshit "Powers make me evil" plot.

"I make it hot all the time!"

That's the cure, they were going to go into the writers room and smack them all until they changed the story.

Convince him to get out and then shoot him. Barry didn't remember his powers.

Probably as close as we're going to get.

No, that was Armin Zola as himself.

Lash the Huchog rides again!!

Or teach her how to handle rejection first.
"Now that you understand the concept I've got some bad news…."

Yeah they kind of glossed over that part. "So I think of your dad as my dad and your brother as my brother but for some reason I'm fucking you, my sister?"

The former hasn't really aged well, the latter on the other hand is better with age.

So does the Flash for that matter.

Or waited long enough to find Savitar and put a bullet in him.