
Only saw the last hour and my only impression was that whatever was going on in the crowd during the Sasha/Alicia match was apparently way more interesting that the match itself.

Well that's unfortunate, but he was probably getting jobbed out to Roman at Extreme Rules anyway.

He sounds like a rejected backstory for you.

Who Kara? Apparently she and Mon-El are on the payroll.

The best part of that is the implication that this isn't the first he's used some Decker lookalikes.

Of course, we could always use more Mazikeen. We need to see some of her bounty hunting adventures.

Not so much pretending not to believe Lucifer is the devil so much as she's unwilling to believe that he's the devil. Considering how she reacted during Amenadial's fake out at the start of the season.

J'onn having no idea how to relate to a child in spite of having several of them. And yeah they may as well have never bothered giving him telepathy if he never gets to use it.

Probably when Jon is removed as leader of the DEO and replaced by Director Bones.

The fact that we never see any of the agents doing anything really enforces this.

Probably because they waited until the third from last episode of the season to bother doing it.

I actually liked him in this episode for once, but yeah, half the episode spent time showing just how expendable he was.

He's like Superman's friend, you know, the one we keep alluding to but won't say by name for some reason.

Offscreen? I don't think there's a good answer to that question.

Well, until this episode that WAS his motivation.

Wow, I can't believe it, a James centric episode that was not only bearable, it was actually good. Who would have thought that he had it in him. Of course it would have been nice if they had done this sooner instead of, you know, the antepenultimate of the season.

Why eat the heart when you can just eat him whole? I think the only thing that get me to watch Jimmy Fallon would be him getting sucked into a cosmic vagina.

Yes, the answer was apparently, you go to space! I guess he won't have to worry about becoming lonely based on how quickly Bliquis was adding to her collection.

So, yeah. Anansi was great, Czernobog was great, Gillian Anderson was great, a lot of great introductions on the show tonight.

I believe so yes.