
I assume we'll be meeting Missy beforehand and then they'll then be back for the finale as well.

Dead and forgotten to their horrible fate.

Tonight on Doctor Who: Wood Nymphs and Wood possessing vampire bugs. I liked it, it was fun.

If only they'd invented hair dye sooner.

For now, she is a Black Canary so may be reason enough for the writers.

No no, the test audiences said no to the rape, the incest though they were dead on about.

"Oh no, I have the accursed Maple Syrup Blood."
*Watches as her hair spontaneously turns red.*

Riverdale Parenting Tips:
1. If an associate of yours is arrested and can implicate you in their crimes, take your daughter and flee the country.
2. If you are framed for a crime and your son's life is threatened, confess! (FP is still the best parent on this show)
3. If your daughter asks you about any crimes you may be

The kid would have been dead but she was right since that is how fucked the legal system is concerning medical matters.


You got me, I'm still dreading them potentially hooking her up with Ollie and completing her transformation into the Black Canary.

Oh I'm sure we'll get Red Arrow/Arrowette at some point.

She can? Every time she's in a fight scene all I can think is "Stop using that stave if you don't know how to use it."

That's why they're going to go like half a season before everyone decides that they must bring him onto Team Arrow as Ollie's new sidekick.

Well of course, can't have her walking around if Ollie's going to raise the kid, that would just be inconvenient.

Although she should have pointed out in her rant that Argus was holding Deathstroke and Captain Boomerang for Team Arrow.

Did Evelyn know about the kid? That's the only explanation I can think of.

The only question is, will the kid die?

So I guess if anyone was wondering if Ollie and Felicity had ever hooked up in the Quiver you now have your answer. I'm actually fine with Felicity and Ollie getting back together, they were a good couple before the writers ruined it with bullshit. I'd also be fine with Rene and Curtis getting together as well.

He's smart and he has Telekinesis & Mind Control. That's basically the gimmick in a nutshell.