

They made everyone look like idiots in this episode so yes, the ending was kind of out of the blue.

Or at least come up with better reasons for why he can't use it than an "I don't know" and a shrug.

That's true, Kara had a Centaur turned full horse who was in love with her.

An accidental villain, I assume her actual heel turn will come later.

"All he's thinking about is the porn he was watching before he was arrested, it just keeps looping in his head over and over again."

The best part Lucifer and Supergirl being back is that I only had to see one hour of this show tonight. It's nice when 2/3rd's of your main even say in their promos that they'd rather be going after the Universal title than the Intercontinental.

But only a bit.

Though as it stands he's been way more helpful than Iris has at this point.

He's offscreen, working to improve on his K' cosplay costume.

Several things:
1. I will never not be annoyed at shows that insist on putting emotionally compromised persons in charge of the cases that have made them emotionally compromised. ( It had to be Maggie & Kara doing interrogating? There's no one else that could have done it?)
2. The DEO as a whole is a really stupid

"Need something to watch before Lucifer? Watch Supergirl on the CW!"

To be fair they didn't add these episodes until well after the season had started.

It gets better after season 1, trust me.

Yeah unless something like Stars or whatever picked it up I don't think this was ever going to get a straight adaptation.

Hmmmm, well it's a matter of opinion I guess, I personally don't care that it's nothing like the comic.

Yes I believe he can.


This is most American TV though.

Why's that?