
But she's not a speedster you see.

Or they let Iris die, that way she never has to be saved again.

I can't wait for Kara's Emo flashback episode.

Team Flash has learned many bad things from Team Arrow over the years.

It's hilarious to me that Future Emo Flash's suit was brighter than present Flash's suit. Cisco must be really bad at using his powers if he can't make do without his hands. And as always, Caitlyn's powers turning her evil is still a goddamed awful plot.

She already framed him for a crime so I'm not sure how much worse a betrayal you could go.

He won and then was brutally beaten by Strauman so that basically did nothing for him.

The red and black stuff.

She's getting paid by the DEO.

Sure, why not.

"Quit eating them burgers boy, we've got work to do. No I won't read your shitty book."

He went after Jericho after his feud with Cena, and then he went after Ambrose after the Family broke up.

Oh I'm aware, I'm very aware that they're going to do what they wanted to do at Wrestlemania 31 and it's going to fail because this time Seth Rollins won't be there to run in and cash in his MitB briefcase.

And annoyed with Betty and Jughead.

Well he hasn't quit and fucked off to Impact TNA or wherever so I'm going to guess that he's being paid enough.

"Go to School at Hogwarts, we'll get together, have a few drinks and some laughs, and kill some mudbloods."

Fact: Being beaten by a large man is worse than your real life brother dying.

You're right, there wasn't. Which is probably why Bray turned on him at the end.

Why did they bother giving Kalisto cool new gear and a cool new theme song only to murder him on Live TV? I hope Roman doesn't win on Sunday, he's not getting over no matter what they do and it'll be a waste if he wins.

No no, it only exists in the Supergirl universe. I mean after all, If it existed on Earth 1, why would Draco Malfoy be working for STAR Labs?