
Oh god, If Iris began acting like Cheryl that would totally redeem this show for me.

Because Iris said in the very first episode that she thought of him as her brother.

They revealed that he was faking his paralysis and we saw the future room, that was it though.

I mean…we've lowered the bar so much…

"I'm sorry Barry…SORRY I DIDN'T DO IT SOONER!!!" *Whacks him 50 more times*

You're getting Riverdale and Flash mixed.

He's got his best suit ready to go with his cheapest tuxedo.

*Generic rock riff* "It's gotta be LOOOOVVVEEEEEE…"

After they edit out all of the boo's yes.

Also Atlantis so I guess Aquaman and crew.

Barry & Iris, because Barry's reasons make no goddamned sense.

She was, they seem to have forgotten about her.

At least he made himself gone and actually was a villain for a while.

That's probably a good thing, they had three on Earth-1 at the same time and they couldn't get anything done.

And Wally was studying to become a mechanical engineer, becoming a speedster rots your brain.

Because nothing good can live on this show, It's an pure miasma of evil.

Or thrown off a bridge, or convinced that they're insane, or had their marriage retconned…

His story to them the first time they talked to him involved him telling them that he used to be a man.

That's impossible.

Ollie's the next closest thing and while he's awful his shit tends to pale in comparison.