
I'm genuinely curious if they will actually introduce Sabrina at some point.

As did I, it was just odd.

Yeah if the writers didn't see it as a crime that kind of tells you a lot about where show can possibly go and none of it good.

I like how grandma just had some random bright red stripe in her hair. Like "How we signifiy she used to be a redhead? Ooo, neon red hair dye!"

Probably, considering what happened to the last rabbit on the show. Though Grey's Anatomy would probably kill her faster than The Magicians would.

It's true that none of their shows have ever really gone past a fifth season (Correct me if I'm wrong) but hey, it might happen eventually.

I can't think of any. I mean, everyone else at least manages to be useful at times.

There's still time! He can get assassinated in impeachment court!

He really should just be a rich idiot who hangs around and does nothing all day.

He saw how Barry was outdoing him over in Central City and decided to pick up the pace.

Also this show can never make up it's mind about what's right or wrong. It changes constantly from scene to scene.

We haven't even seen Vigilante's face yet. As for Prometheus, I really hope my theory that it's Tahlia Ah-Ghul is right because if it's just some random dude I'm going to be very disappointed.

That was kind of an over reaction there Thea, also Felicity hacked into the reporters computer pretty fast too, makes me think this was the first time she'd done it.

Well considering what happens to Earth in Nemesis Games Earth getting bombed out will probably have to get dealt with eventually.

Also The Magicians didn't wrap up the book one portion of the story until it was a fourth of the way through the current season.

I don't like him just yet, but I have started feeling bad for him.

She's main cast for this season. Ditto with Dean Henry

I don't know if anyone from Once Upon a Time could survive being on this show.

Well hey, can't win them all.

Pregnancy Rabbit would probably be more at home on Grey's Anatomy or something like that.