
Still less horrific than your average episode of Jerry Springer.

Paul Blart III

The Metaphor police also investigated and wrote a citation for the dump being too on the nose.

Ken Bone is fly.

FYI, “stable condition” is meaningless.

Is this really doxxing?

Just strikethru all the text and write a new post about Larry David chewing with his mouth open.

Surveys matter not, but the good news for print lovers is that print books sales have been increasing, according to the industry.

They’re all in a bidding war for Sam Hinkie.

That last excerpt is the best sentence ever.

Addicts in denial. People given wrong information. Perhaps (this is a stretch) someone who got black-out drunk the previous night and didn’t remember ingesting anything.

Also, I know I’m the old person who actually goes to websites rather than clicking on Facebook links, but The Ringer website is truly hideous looking. So much green, probably in homage to the Celts, while the words-over-photos design is bad (I blame Vox for making it mainstream).