
Leave it to Americans to find a way to rob people with real guns through a goddam videogame.

2AM? Don’t Pokemon sleep?

Well isn’t that what you do in pokemon, fight a random trainer and then take their money?

Maybe we’re not supposed to understand/see black holes.

‘Now, we finally can see what Hitomi did right before it died.’

only 273 million? Let’s send 10 more up theer.

I don't see anything about this being for solving the worlds hunger. I have sandwiches to garnish, chop chop.

This seems like an incredibly ignorant reply and it’s shameful that it’s at the top and first read. You say that the game “does nothing to distinguish itself”. Are you serious? Please go ahead and name another big budget MMO that is entirely based around collecting mounts and mounted combat.

It’s true. Einstein used Uber all the time after he and Edison had a few too many pints down at Moe’s.

“Why are you putting animals into my proper fighting game?”

Gon, but not forgotten. 😁

The loss of the Kuma and other out-of-the-box characters would be, wait for it...

The guy gave you a response, admitted it was mostly hearsay and you immediately chew him out. “Well, without actually experiencing it yourself, your viewpoint might be skewed” is a rational response. You come at him like a pro wrestler. “WELL, YKNOW SOMETHING BROTHER? YOU PUKE YOUR WORDS AND SHIT YOUR BRITCHES AND

They make good practice for actually rational debate opponents.


Yeah, my bad for not taking the time to gather and peer review sources before making my initial post so I had them on hand when someone decided to get a big ol’ stick up their butt. You wanted specific examples, I went and grabbed a few that looked relevant.

You’re a moron. Lol. You’re like rank 30 and you’re arguing with other people? Fuck off. I’m better than you, so suck it.

Here’s a couple of examples I just googled. Some more recent than others, but it should give you an idea of just how many times they’ve tried to fix ladder, and there’s another attempted fix on the way.

Sure, just let me run a quick poll of all StarCraft 2 players around the world. :P

Sure, you personally might never have had problems, and I personally haven’t either recently, but the two of us are not the entirety of the ladder: you need to pick your head up and look around, see what everyone else has to say.