
Admist the bitching, I am actually really excited to see what Adam Wingard does with the material. Love You're Next and The Guest!

I would still bet my life that in the first episode of Murder House Murphy didn't plan for Tate to be the Rubber Man. Dude just makes it up as he goes along.

I've already decided to name my next cat Daenerys Targaryen, just so I can laugh at the look on my vet's face. And so I can scream "KHALESSI!" at the top of my lungs when I'm at home, alone, and still have a semi-decent reason behind it.

I know this is seriously nit-picky, because it's basically a requirement for American Horror Story to keep its characters inconsistent, but was anyone else bothered by how Kyle behaved in the episode? At the beginning, he's a groaning monster mess who can't hold a spoon, and in the second half he's banging chicks left

Wow thanks for the spoiler, asshole.

I have trouble watching it, because I'm so sad Windward Circle never came to fruition.

I watched The Descent with my friends a few years ago, and the part where they finally show a glimpse of an underground monster scared my friends and I so badly we paused the movie and calmed down by playing with my pet rats for thirty minutes.

I like Taissa Farmiga and all, but she’s not really getting a lot to do this season, despite being on screen for a lot of it. She just sits around and reacts to other people right now.

I think they should avoid bringing back Walt and Jesse, because it would just feel so shoehorned in for the sake of the audience.