
He’s something worse than a Melee elitist: an FGC elitist. Best to ignore him, Smash will keep growing with or without the support of these shitheads.

While this is a fine point, if we’re comparing this kid to Biggio, Biggio played 1800 games before he ever had a trip to the DL, and his first trip was when he was taken out at second base on a double play.

For audience. Also, this is commonly how people on the For Glory mode communicate, as nintendo doesn’t leave you a lot of options.

My wife and I both actually like Taylor Swift (her way more than me), and we both think this song is the worst thing she’s ever done. So.

I just played this song for my wife, who’s a fairly big Taylor Swift fan and has loved all the iterations of her career. Her reaction?

I’m a new PS4 owner and have never played an Uncharted. If I just wanted to dip my toes in, which Uncharted is the best one to play in your opinion? 80 hours of Uncharted doesn’t sound appealing to me, but I do want to try this game out, especially after playing Naughty Dog’s The Last of Us (in love with that game.)

One thing to note, although Melee is the most popular game by a notable margin, Smash 4 at SSC outnumbered the number of entrants by, if memory serves, around 500, bringing the total entrants for sm4sh to somewhere above 1500. Very impressive, and one of the top 10 largest smash 4 tournaments ever!

Great write-up. I’m about 90 hours into the game myself (mid October), and other than him constantly going on about being famous, I like Ryuji a lot. He’s a goofball and a screw-up, but he also is the spirit of the Phantom Thieves and what they stand for, imo. Nobody is more passionate about righting the injustices

Trying to put a bigger dent in P5 so I can listen to Jason and Kirk’s spoilercast on Splitscreen! 85 hours in, can’t stop now!

Thanks for this. This happens to be my go to Karaoke song :)

Good memory. I was watching this game at home on TV as an 8 year-old with Mariners fever. I just remember Randy throwing smoke as usual and Bone making the second best catch I had seen in my life to that point (behind Junior’s spider-man catch.)

The fact that this actually looks good is a testament to the design of the white dualshock being clean AF, despite these tacky quarter machine stickers being thrown on there.

The way they are talking about Marshawn Lynch, overlooking the early ATL game and notching it as easy win, and referencing what Russell did down the stretch the previous year (he was amazing in the second half of 2015), this sounds like they lifted last years predictions from somewhere in the archives rather than

FFXII: The Zodiac Age! 40 hours in, it’s much more playable than the original with the FF button, and the job system and reorchestrated soundtrack are very welcome.

FYI, Plup is primarily a Sheik main, although to be fair, he has been using fox more often as of late.

For those that can’t get it now, it’s really painless to set up, so don’t panic if you don’t have it pre-downloaded come “Splatoon 2 day.”

My ex in high school did this too, *I think* just the one time. Can’t remember, she was a psychopath, so holding my wang while I peed is pretty far down the list of memorable moments with her.

I’ll check out the splatfest with a couple of friends on Saturday, and try to divide my PS4 time on Sunday between FFXII and P5 (80 hours in to P5, such a looooong game.) Normally when working the weekend, I’d play my Switch, but my down time at work this weekend will be spent watching EVO and hopefully supporting our

There’s a couple things to unpack here.

I understand your stance, but I think you’re missing my point.