
Nice bait. I know this is bait because if you were serious, you’d be over on, instead of here.

I’ve had a ton of success teaming Zarya and Mercy together, with the third character being someone who isn’t too squishy (mei, for instance.) Mercy healing in between Zarya barriers, and Zarya hitting Mercy with a barrier to get out of trouble, usually these two never die. Not enough damage to take them out.

Right, which I feel like this would be more of an issue if time kept progressing while you were in the menus, but that doesn’t appear to be the case

Update for anyone who was in my shoes (Can’t figure out how to edit original comment on mobile)

I’m... Fairly certain that’s what I said. I’m spud-less.

Awesome, thank you! I’ll download it tonight, then. Looking forward to it.

I was planning on getting this game since I don’t have a PC and enjoyed a couple Harvest Moon titles in the past, but are the gamepad problems bad enough that I should hang onto my money?

This play had me screaming “FUCK YOU, THROW THAT MOTHER FUCKER OUT” at my tv. My wife walked into the room, telling me to stop cussing, as I never/rarely do while watching sports. I hit rewind and show her the play. She, the Seahawks fan, said “fuck that guy, throw him out!”

Gonna dive deep into side quests for FFXV since I just finished the main story last night.

Wasn’t originally planning on getting addicted to Final Fantasy XV, but then I played it. So even though I work both days this weekend, and I have an ugly sweater party, I’ll still find a way to sink 8 hours or so into this blast of a game.

So did I, and I’d probably have similar assumptions as you if I didn’t pay attention to the competitive scene in its current state. 20XX jokes and all that.

Fair. Having said that, the top two are Peach and Jiggs mains, with Mang0 and his spacies wedged between them and M2K, according to MIOM. But the point stands.

Yes, and the best players in the world main peach, jigglypuff, and sheik.

This is my wife’s tradition at every holiday at my family’s house. They didnt recognize her, as she failed to do it today for the first time in six years worth of holidays.

On another note, I’ve been really happy with Games with Gold so far, with the addition of backwards compatible games. Between XCOM, Tomb Raider, Forza Horizon, and others, they have done a good job of supplementing great free games I hadn’t played yet to mix in with the new games thay I’ve purchased. Any better, and I

Burnout Paradise! Probably my favorite racing game of all time! That’s the real headliner right there, although I am curious to try sleeping dogs.

I wish you wouldn’t put the new evolutions as your main picture for your Pokémon posts. I enjoy your writing and site, but I’ve been trying to diligently avoid spoilers for this game, and I accidentally stared at this until I realized what it was :(

Fair enough. Frankly, when it comes to Fox, if it’s not the crew with Burkhardt (sp) and Lynch, I don’t typically enjoy the broadcast.

Do your research before choosing to commit to watching an NFL game. Don’t make silly mistakes like watching an awful matchup featuring Jay Cutler in a game he could possibly win. Pick two teams with winning records or something.

This actually looks great. Creative, signature Mario level design and gameplay in a runner-form.