
I’m hoping he turn’s into a super fast bunny and is a fire electric type. Like the Flash but in Pokemon form.

The standalone expansions for ESO are great. Main game, not so much. But if you want a tight story that happens to be an MMO, pick up Morrowind for ESO.

As someone who works in a campus esports program, look for Tespa, collegiate LoL, and other gaming chapters as well. They are often your best source to connect with gamers IRL.

I work at a larger university. For colleges that have 20k plus students, Its seen more as a service for students than a direct recruiting technique. 

Ult points gained per min. Accuracy. K/A/D Ratio (mostly for hitscan). “critical heals or saves” when an ability would save an allied hero from death. But probably the biggest one is Map hero win rate, I’m manually keeping track of it at the moment and it takes up so much time, but helps isolate where a team is

I manage the varsity esport teams at my university. As a long time Dota player, I can’t stress how annoying it is that OW doesn’t have a viable stat system for us to track player growth. What we see in feel matter in a game matters, but there is a hard science to esports that really can’t be ignored. Great article.

I admittedly read these before I get home from work to watch them. (I’ve read the books) but they certainly hype me up! Really excited to see the drum spin up! 

When does Kotaku’s review drop for JWE?

I was there! It was awesome! Really easy to track and follow, not even a pubg player but it was a hoot to watch.


I’ve recently been playing a 1 life Fallout 4 survival mode I kinda made up myself with some mods (most characters die about 2 hours in) but its been a fun but masochistic blast. I finally got a character through the main story on one life, and I look back on all the sweet bases I built to survive area to area and I