I’m looking.
I’m looking.
Did I ever say they weren’t? I specifically said biologically and publicly identifying as for a reason. And no I will not get out of here because you decided to come in here and derail an issue and make it about you. And if you can’t see how that bullshit “but what about circumsion” arises every single time FGM is…
No. I realize we are all limited to our lived experience, but your experience here is not analogous with what this doctor did or what people commonly refer to as FGM.
Nowhere did this article even bring up circumcision. Why is it so hard to stay on topic when it’s about an atrocity that’s done to women’s sexual organs? Why is it always, “We must discuss the penis first!”
What the fuck? No. That is like saying if woman A slept with woman B who was trans but before she had transitioned in any way, or even publicly identified that way, then woman A has slept with a woman even though at that time woman B was biologically and publicly identifying as a man. Circumcision done to you as a…
So in your world, if I decide you have to refer to me by the pronoun tdggfghc, you’re required refer to me by the pronoun tdggfghc or else you’re hillbillyphobic.
the woman literally emailed me right after the story went up to say “i’m glad you told that commenter to fuck off”
fuck off
And unfortunately if you look at countries with legalized sex work sex trafficking has not disappeared... it’s just easier to hide. There are more men who want to buy sex than there are women willing to sell sex, and there are awful people willing to take advantage of that.
To be fair, there are a lot of feminists (especially from the previous wave) that would agree with him. So, calling what he is saying ‘awful’ probably isn’t fair. I don’t agree with what he’s saying, but that doesn’t make it awful. Awful is what Republicans do when they open their pieholes and pontificate about sex…
That is really weird. Why hand write a letter on printer paper? She also has reason to support Johnny, he is still the father of her children.
I love her. I don’t believe in chronic Lyme. Help me!!!
of course not. the sarcasm is pretty obvious. lots of people write comments that end with ‘fixed it for you’ and I find it very obnoxious. I can handle getting mean tweets and being told I’m a garbage person, but I dislike it when people reformat a sentence like I should be glad they put words in my mouth. I’m sure…
not really
If 85% of the sex workers are trafficked, the regulations aren't protecting the sex workers at all.
This is why people with allergies should take appropriate medication before they enter situations where they might be exposed.
The people who clapped suck and this situations also sucked, but was perfectly preventable by the people who knew their kid had allergies.
I recently moved across the country with my cat. The only way the cat was allowed to travel was in a cat carrier under my seat. Cargo wasn’t an option.
That said, if you know you have allergies, take some meds before you go into a situation where you might be exposed. I wouldn’t clap at anyone’s misfortune but it…
Aw, shit yeah, bro! Not all men! You’re so brave!
I’ve heard of it before with the Elephant Man story. It was suggested that Merrick’s mother saw something frightening while she was pregnant, and that caused his deformities.
Monday morning, retired musical artist Rihanna tweeted a selfie captioned, “listening to ANTI.” In it, she’s wearing…