Violet Dear

I live in the UK, a Berocca country, but I also have my own personal stash of Emergen-C that I brought from my homeland (Canada) - and lemme tell you: Emergen-C works better every time and has a much more pleasant taste.


I so, so badly want to be super chill and happy about that dress.
I want to be that person so badly, I can almost fake it. Almost.

That is amazing. Absolutely amazing.

I feel you - I accidentally put coins in the holy water at a cathedral in Rome. I didn't realize until my fingers were wet - and many Romans were staring at me angrily.

I thought I was the only one!

Kat, because I respect your opinion on the topic, may I ask the question: if this term (male or female-bodied) was very important to the way that you personally defined yourself, would you choose to keep using it, even if it did offend other trans and/or genderqueer/genderfluid people?

Mary and John are on my shortlist. :) Mary was my granny, and John Waters is my hero.

Mary Lucille for a girl (my beloved granny was Mary, and Lucille after Lucille Bluth- but also strangely because John Waters counts Little Richard (who sang Lucille) as one of his idols - convoluted much?) and Henry (Hank) Robert for a boy. Some traditional names for a kid with VERY non-traditional parents.

I am sitting in my flat in London (UK), bawling like a baby about that one. Pinkham doesn't understand that Canadians just can't be jaded about Timmy's.

We call it Timmy's, and Timmy Hoho's as well.

Oh, perfect, an American telling Canadians how to feel/act/be.

We love that.

(Sorry for the redundant comment - I hadn't clicked on "show pending")

It's worth noting that while Hill is Aussie, this show - The Last Leg - is shot and aired in the UK (I was at the taping last night!) So that means that Aussies AND Brits know who the WBC are. Ugh.

In an ideal world all surrogates would go over this stuff, but seeing as the woman was in debt she may have been made to feel (from the unscrupulous agent) like she was "lucky" to get this contract. Thailand is a country where sex work and human trafficking is endemic - women have few rights over their bodies, and she

Aww, that's too bad! I used to live in India and in Nepal, and the only times I ever got sick were at Western style restaurants. Homecooked meals, local cafes - and even fresh, fast street food - seemed less likely to upset my tum.

I have done "homestays" in many countries, and yes, despite the initial awkwardness of staying and eating in someone's home, they have been some of the most amazing, rewarding traveling experiences I have ever had. Delicious food, interesting conversation (or gesturing) and a fantastic way to contribute directly to