
I believe that constitutes alcohol abuse.

@Wes Siler: But I want them NOOOOWWWWW.

I still don't think it's a fantastic looker, but it ticks all the right buttons.

@AE71-4AGZE: If you wouldn't make shit comments like this, it wouldn't take so long.

What happened to the smell of machine turned aluminum, crank case oil, fine leather, mahogany and the sweat of the proletariat masses below you?

@Elhigh: I worked far too hard to come up with my terrible pun in the Messerschmitt article, and I think you've safely trumped me here. Very, very, very yes.

Messerschmitt is, of course, most famous for their Bf109 fighter, which was the most recognized German warplane of the second world war. It was, essentially, what the Fokker Dreidecker triplane, mount of the Red Baron, was to the first world war — the symbol of the German Luftwaffe, and the face of the enemy.

Hopefully, by then, the world will have realized that a clean diesel is a better option, and this will all be irrelevant anyhow.

So... why doesn't it get the Bumblebee body kit to make it marginally less ugly? If they're going to make a Transformers package... shouldn't it at least seem relevant?

So bizarre. Porsche buys Volkswagen, then gets a huge loan in return... essentially resulting in VW saying, "You bought me, now I'll buy you right back again."

@atlasfugged: I think we have a winner. I had a laugh-out-loud moment. Hell, I'm still having it. This is beyond brilliant.

What they don't mention is that the "source with ties to Stuttgart" is actually Stud Beefpile, so everything he says is probably bullshit.

Hooray! Not only am I finally able to congratulate the winner, but the winner turns out to be someone I've heard of! Once. In passing.

@rkwadd: That comment deserves COTD sheerly for its awesome truthiness and wisdom.

@goatrope: They were just trying to include at least ONE car that someone might actually want to own.

@dearthair: My god, I can comment again. Now if I can change my screen name, I'll be happy as Larry. Whoever Larry is.