@SCROGGS!!: Run?
@SCROGGS!!: Run?
This, to me, is proof that all is right in the world, and there are still people out there fighting for truth, justice, and everything that is truly good. I salute you, Mr. High-Speed-On-A-Stool.
Orosz, you cause me to be completely torn. You covered the Turkish Thing through Twitter, which, as we all know, is the root of all evil, and proof that the Interwebs are gradually turning into a giant pile of shit.
This isn't new. Clearly the designers of the Sebring and Avenger were listening to inspiring music as well... except in that case, I suspect it was Slipknot.
@My A Arm: You say that like it's a bad thing. I WANT my supercars to have a fold-down tea-tray in the dashboard. Preferably with a matching tea-set. And some burled wood. And some nice thick wool carpets.
So it's going to have that legendary Lotus handling, stupidly powerful engines, and Toyota reliability.
Sigh. Oh, Murilee, you know my weaknesses. An old Econoline and some classic wagons... I think I'm in love.
@domino: "Coerced" is such a strong word. I prefer "suggested".
I'm seeing a Strolling Player and a Sound of Sleep stuffed into all those Katrina victims. Frankly, most of the cars are prettier than those two ugly mugs, but at least the Strolling Player is wearing clothes this time... My eyeballs are still scarred.
@.357-Wingman of Syrax: It's funny, I went over to Jezebel a bunch of times to wreak havoc... and when I finally left, I had a bunch more followers from the commentariat there.
Orosz, I liked you until you dragged Twitter into the picture. I still can't believe I signed up for that shitty goddamn thing. And it's all Wert's fault, he made it sound like it was almost kinda nearly neat.
@.357-Wingman of Syrax: Holy shit, Pete's name's been removed from the masthead at Deadspin!
@pauljones: Only until I get that pesky restraining order lifted.
@engineerd: Diddles doesn't count. (Hell, he barely reads and writes at his age! Heyyy!)
@pauljones: I don't think anything "happened" to Mark Arnold. He's never been terribly active around here. I think he's just on the masthead because he has some dirt on Ray that he's blackmailing him with.
@TV's Paul Y.: I actually find it hilarious, because last week I watched a 5'2" female police officer break up a very violent fight between five very large guys by walking up to them and calmly asking them nicely to stop and have a seat, then one-by-one escorted them, without resistance, into the back of the paddy…
@pauljones: Ben? As in Wojzilla? He's in Detroit? I assumed he'd run away, like everyone else in town.
@skaycog: Why? Do you have a nice ass too?
@Wes Siler: Yeah, you're just lucky you've got a nice ass.
That's it, Wes. Friends off. Next time you want a snuggle, you're sleeping on the couch instead.