“I am Spartacus.” - Philadelphia sports fans, holding a case of D batteries.
“I am Spartacus.” - Philadelphia sports fans, holding a case of D batteries.
Having your entire community wiped out is like fantasy trope 101—it was used for basically every 1980s barbarian fantasy movie—so it’s jarring to see it used so blithely here.
I’m actually uncomfortable with making fun of him for crying. Period. I have no problem with any sort of punishment he faces as an attempted rapist, but making fun of someone for crying, especially a man, sits wrong with me. He doesn’t deserve sympathy. I just can’t give him scorn for feeling bad. He should feel bad.
Hot take: I don’t mind jack dorsey wearing this shirt at all and I like his shoes
Fuck Peter Karmanos
h/t Betsy
It’s just a dumb line to end this particular article with. You’ve provided an awesome look into the ingenuity of people in a crisis which is relevant to this website’s platform, then concluded with what amounts to a non sequitur.
Yes, as in “The Panthers should of had a perfect season, if not for falling to the Broncos in the Superbowl.”
*Should of
Anyone else suspect that, somewhere, Rowling is like, “Oh shit, I never thought about that before... I mean, yup, that’s it! Good for you! You guys figured it out! I was eventually going to tweet it, anyway.”
Why not barn owls? Barn owls are sick: http://sploid.gizmodo.com/watch-how-dead…
I agree with you on that. Men seem to love the visuals a lot more than women. And the women that claim to enjoy it are probably only doing so because they want to get the guy off.
Why do people do this? He isn’t the first and won’t be the last. Is it a need for attention or some sort of persecution complex? Or are they just looking for an easy pay day? Seriously asking.
The French Laundry? Kawakami got taken to the cleaners.
this is a good joke
This...this is a pretty hot take.
“‘hey, can you hide my mustache and take off my mole-hair ... those close-ups, you never know. So I just asked them to do that”
is this just more grandstanding bullshit?
agree. it’s all fun and games until you remember she’s a real kid, forced into the public eye without her consent and will some day see the way she was used by this site and many others for entertainment. I mean, Cruz is awful—so focus on him and keep the kids out of it.
I met him when he was 16 and I was 18. I am totally astonished that this dude is the same little twerp I met at the state debate championships.