
Johnson’s a two time R governor in a heavily D state. The guy knows how to bring about compromise. And that will make him a bad option because....?

A non-vote for Clinton is a non-vote for Clinton, period. If a third party can get even one swing state’s electoral votes, causing neither Trump nor Clinton to get the majority of electoral votes, the final vote goes to Congress.

If a majority of people vote for one candidate, the candidate wins. Boo-hoo that the majority of people don’t want YOUR candidate. Third parties are good for democracy, not bad.

Why is your moral high ground more important than third-party voters’ moral high ground?

Moral high ground? Because he has no interest in controlling a women’s right to choose, because he has no interest in allowing discrimination on any basis to continue (like the establishment Left), and yet he also wants to be responsible with our tax dollars- unlike the Left or the Right. Sounds pretty moral to me.

Not stupidity so much as logic. We’re perfectly entitled to believe that Hilary Clinton does not represent our interests, and our ideals align with GJ’s whether or not he makes some silly mistake. Having ideals that don’t match with roughly 40% of the likely voters (per the polls, folks) doesn’t make us stupid.

Anytime something happens that someone isn’t 100% knowledgeable about, people snottily say, “You’re not well read!” I have two master’s degrees, scan CNN and the Chicago papers daily, some WaPo, and I didn’t know what Aleppo was either. Syrian crisis, sure. Aleppo what? I agree with FG, the guy has a lot going on. He

He’s not smoking weed while running for President. Gave it up.

Libertarian ideals are the antithesis of racist and anti-Semitic. The Libertarians support a women’s right to choose. The idea boils down to live and let live. I keep up on the news, I’m aware of what’s going on in Syria, but ask me about Aleppo? I’m running to Google. Oh, that city.

It’s not a good example of the free market. The FDA has a stranglehold on competition in the healthcare market.

That’s not a result of free trade. That’s a result of government regulation and crony capitalism, both of which Libertarians frown upon. Rand Paul did a piece in Time this week that explains it.

Hey, everyone? You’re NOT bound to vote for Hilary because the “only other option is Trump.” This year is going to be amazing for third party candidates. The Gary Johnson ticket is all for EVERYONE’S rights (not just women’s), and fiscally conservative policies. Vote Libertarian!