The 15mph is an advisory sign, and not a limit, so the driver was probably “only” 4-5 times the limit. Other than that, I totally agree.
The 15mph is an advisory sign, and not a limit, so the driver was probably “only” 4-5 times the limit. Other than that, I totally agree.
The wheelbase on this thing is enormous! How are you gonna hop curbs and ride around traffic on the sidewalk?
Oh he did break, alright, he just didn’t brake.
Make mine electric, please, and this is pretty much exactly what I want.
You gotta let the wasp out somehow.
The crash in the video is one thing, but look at the speed differential in both lanes adjacent to the Tesla. Any prudent driver would know that when their lane is moving much faster than both adjacent lanes that there is a substantial chance that a car will attempt to move into your lane. This is why good drivers will…
I’d wager it’ll just float around the Med.
Getting hooked by trucks is where these things are useful. It’s a regrettably common way for trucks to kill people on bikes.
It was in the context of a truck killing a cyclist, not necessarily by this particular cause.
Except you know the car will be logging every time you disable it. How long before your insurance company is requiring those logs?
In my experience, very few people use them here in Canada, either. SMH.
This is going to seem callous, and it’s not meant to, but did the truck’s brakes not work either? I mean, that’s what I use to keep my vehicle from rolling backwards.
Satire is dead now. Swift’s “A Modest Proposal,” if published today, would need a foreword explaining that “This is satire, you dumb f*cks!”
Nice to know folks are practicing their emergency exit skills.
“Children of Elon.” I like that much better that Tesla stan. Mind if I borrow it?
They should have put five of the new 600HP V12 Mercs on it. The 450 is so last year.
If you read the source article, you’d see he was advocating for a different system.
If this was a Reddit AITA thread, it’s definitely ESH.
Nobody is holding you down in your chair and forcing you to read Torch’s column.
I wouldn’t call it chump change, but it’s not hard to spend that much. Frankly, the returns diminish rapidly above about $6k for all but the most competitive racers and/or moneyed stock traders.