
Can’t we just make new movies... why must everything be a reboot or a new idea in an old tired universe. There are other aliens out there lol...

Looks way way to clean and pretty, like a soap opera. Everything looks fake, almost like a theater set. Nothing looks used or lived in...

Ewww. Slurp harder, the guy is a trash human being who thinks the rules don’t apply to him because he’s rich. What a disgusting post.

Honestly it is what it is. Nothing on the internet was ever anonymous to begin with, this is just reddit cashing in on that “public” data.

How is this an article... Random people returned a device. We don’t know how many. NEWS!

It has fewer players than Skyrim, that matters (and people have to want to mod Starfield).

The whip animations are straight up spaghetti monster. Heck all of the animations seems kinda meh to me, but I’ll wait for some real hands-on vids.

She’s just gonna settle and pay people off like all rich people do when they’re caught acting like a pos... Hooray capitalism /s 

Gotta pay those CEO’s  /s 

Not having those features is inexcusable. Consumers should expect better and paying full price for this type of “quality” just results in more inferior products getting shipped to consumers. 

In those games you have to manually travel to the location first to unlock fast travel. That initial trip often would lead to random/fun encounters (diverging off path when you see something in the distance that looks interesting), none of that exists in starfield because you just warp instantly to the “zone” your

Prob should stop wasting more hours of your life then? I can’t imagine thinking I’ve lost 2+ days of my life doing something optional that I found boring. 

Stop spending money on crap and companies will stop making crap. Consumers have no one to blame but themselves for every cash shop, add-on, or battlepass that exists in games. 

but then how will they make MONEY /s Social Networks were never ever about connecting people, they were always about companies putting advertisements “however cleverly (or not cleverly) disguised” in your face.

Because Elon is a beacon of honesty... 

You know Android’s global market share is MUCH MUCH larger than IOS right? But having said that, people should use/do what they like and not care about the masses or what’s trendy.

Just because something is a common occurrence, doesn’t mean that occurrence is ok or should continue... 

Lol. Boys will be boys = bad but Girls will be Girls = ok? What a bad take. Lizo (assuming the allegations are true) behaved badly and treated her employees badly, that’s it, plain and simple. Gender shouldn’t have anything to do with it.

I don’t see how publicising a bigoted song is any different than letting people spout anti-vax lies on social media. You AV CLUB (among others), gave a bigot a larger platform than he’d normally have and as a result you increased his sales “x times”. KEEP UP THE GREAT WORK! /s

Tablet and a controler? Phone and a controler? Laptop and controller? This is a device for which there is no need lol...