
It wasn’t about the ball. It was about destroying evidence when he murdered his cell phone.

I don’t accept your lifestyle as a bigot.

The invocation, yes. Other racing series too, like Indycar.

Is this a regular thing before NASCAR events?

I give them credit for using the cars—as if keeping them in heated garages under covers and only taking them out for short cruises on sunny weekends is so “manly”.


Seriously. They are still going around calling her out 25 years after she died. Let it go, Plaza. You made a bad deal.

shes a loser. She was a notorious cunt to every man and woman. Plenty of people are kind in those situations, she was a cunt.

Because corporate ogres *always* try to cheat everyone, perhaps?

It’s their motto.

Honestly, if someone treats service workers badly then I don’t give two shits what they’re entitled to. Everyone has rights, doesn’t mean they have to be jackasses about it.

No excuse for being shitty to the staff. I’ve no problem with making the property owner somewhat miserable (within reason), after all you should know this sort of stuff before buying the property. But treating the regular working people like shit should only entitle you to rat poison in your soup.

BaDrakin’ 2: Electgentine Tangoloo.

I’m sitting here grinning like a damn fool watching that video. And then crying thinking of Trump or Cruz, and (sorry B-bros) Bernie. It just won’t be the same.

It’s not baffling to me. There is a genuine dispute about when life begins. It is indisputable that capital punishment terminates a life.

was about to post it, night

“Kasich has managed to raise his profile while giving himself a moderate, reasonable image he hasn’t earned.”

its a cough syrup

Do you mean like roaches, it never dies.

are you ruining booze for the rest of us?

Some people enjoy the iron fist.