
The constitutional right of the accused to confront the accuser. It’s something that does more good than harm, but it leaves victims of sexual abuse and stalking in horrible positions that often results in them refusing to testify. I’m not sure of the solution though. Ideas? Also while keeping in mind to change this

I Chicago politics are anything like Baltimore politics that was portrayed in the show "The Wire", she is in for a battle.

yep, she’ll need it.

If you’re a grown man, and you concern yourself with buying garments that have been worn by grown men who are not you, then you are a huge fucking nerd and you deserve whatever garbage you get tricked into buying.

Best National Park “itinerary” I can recommend is the Grand Circle in Utah & Arizona. Probably the best trip I have ever taken!

Not do enough to protect her from the baseless accusations that the Republicans on the Judiciary committee hurled her way.

“A decade ago their were rumors that manager Terry Francona was involved with ...”

What an embarrassment to the team - Ted Williams’ head is spinning in it’s cryogenic chamber.’s probably the absence of millionaire sports jobs that aren’t helping our cause.

But privatization! Smaller government! Mercenaries in foreign lands with contracts forbidding liability! For-profit prisons! C’mon, what could go wrong?

I didn’t have no choice. I didn’t have no way to get no water, and I didn’t know they was delivering it.”

There are:


my liver can’t take it anymore

The roads are clear. The plows are going. Nature happens.

The plows have been running continuously, but the snow is coming down too fast even then.

Ok, seriously, how does NYC not have decent snow removal resources yet?