
Who is giving our handicapped persons crackers? They don’t deserve crackers!

I always love the way color guys dance around saying “that hit him in the Dick, Jim.”


Something something butthurt SJW.

Potentially complicating search and rescue efforts are massive waves along Oahu’s North Shore, which are forecast to be the biggest of the season, raising between 30 and 40 feet today.

When I read the headline, I thought “here we go again.”

Thankfully the Iranian Revolutionary Guards are far more peaceable and level headed than your average American police force.

What a bunch of horseshit! Seeing these overly-manicured idiots try to manufacture a crisis out of what is probably the most peacefully and quickly resolved event in the Gulf region in this century, really fills me with rage. We should send these cunts to fight ISIL on the ground, since apparently, they know all the

Soooo.....Fox is basically criticizing the United States military and the federal government for handling an obvious mistake in a safe, responisible and adult manner. Works for me.

They may be interested in wasting taxpayer money. That’s a trendy thing these days in NH.

The United States: A country without a single public museum dedicated to the history of slavery, but numerous museums and memorials dedicated to the glorification of slavers.

She was awarded for her medical bills, that coffee was well into dangerous temperatures and caused third degree burns on 6% (eta actually it may have been 16%) of her body. It almost killed her. She was in the hospital for 8 days and needed skin grafts. She originally asked for her medical bills but they refused.

That picture of him gets more and more creepy each time it’s used.

“Signing David Price was a facking wicked pissah moove; best thing the Sawx have evah done!”

I’m not a 76ers fan so I’m not defending The Process or anything, but it seems like the article is 90% pointing out the stuff going on in Okafor’s life and then shoehorning it’s because he’s being thought of as the savior of the Sixers and this is why The Process sucks. It’s barely about the process, really, as much

its more of Rahm, from Smith

I hope he gets all of it.

I’d actually like to go back to Guacamole whenever possible, it’s delicious there.