
I’m going them once a day for the next month, or whenever they block my number, to ask what their hours are. Forget Yelp spamming, which can prolly be scrubbed if proven to be done with malice aforethought; go all in on the classics, phone pranking. & burner phones make it even easier.

Now I wish no one would ever call me - I'm a text only person.

What the hell is an iPod?

Oh, I was wrong: someone went with the “terrorism” angle first.

As an Oklahoman, I can assure you all that my fellow residents are working tirelessly at this very moment to tie this into a defense of gun owners’ rights.


Why are you so certain that Putin is some political mastermind when the economy in Russia is on the brink of disaster?

“Obama set the red lines and then did nothing when Assad leaped across them.”

Yeah, and if you believe that I’ve got some WMD’s in Iraq to sell you. I would consider being called a liar a step up from what the alternative is for you, moron.

Assad’s army was destroyed fighting these guys, minimum 5 digits of dead. Putin might be able to cover up 4 digits of dead Russians. After that, Putin’s campaign collapses (much as Bush2’s did in Iraq2).

why is courtney love posing with Wednesday Addams

There was ever a doubt?

Believe it or not, Trump was one of the two who declared the ruling to be the law, and she ought to follow it. Bush said same, but in much more technical terms. Huckabee and Cruz were the two who basically, during a run for president, said “Fuck the law, this is a christian!” and flocked to her aid.

Yeah, my thoughts too... coming out in her favor ought to be a deal-breaker of epic proportion.

Oh I understand her type perfectly. I live in Texas.

Those same “Obama is a dictator” morons are now gleefully looking forward to Donald Trump taking control and overriding “the politicians”. My head aches.

That’s the issue, has been from Day 1. She is rather a hateful, spiteful and vengeful individual. Not exactly helping the Christian cause.

You mean it’s about time they went extinct.

No, this is her doing. She’s a total nutbar.

Further proving this was never about her religious beliefs if she is altering forms that other people have signed. She hates gay people, period.