
Prepare yourselves, a Grand Caravan of Avengers are about to embark on a long Journey. Voyagers from New Yorker to Daytona, both Town and Country, to to Sebring the truth about their Chrysler products' electronics. It will be interesting to see how the Imperial marquee responds to NHTSA's Chargers, as they have a

This thing is cool. I don't care about the branding, or whatever, but in no universe is $22,500 a good price, even if it's Monopoly Money. A third of that is what I'd call reasonable.

Many banks have a hard boundary at 100,000mi. When you can't finance it, it becomes a lot less valuable.

3.7L V6 clearly fits in it's platform-mates, but I'm thinking the 2.3L Ecoboost needs another application.

This was already in everyone's imagination. The technology wasn't there, but it was hardly unthinkable.

What does it smell like? Does it have little fragrances of the future scattered around the cabin?

I work at a dealership, and although I am no longer front line sales, I was for years. I work in a state without required front plates. If the front plate bracket is already installed, it's normal to throw a Dealer front plate on, if the customer has none. We will, upon request, install the front bracket / drill holes

It's more of a passive advertising. I work in a dealership that's been around since the dawn of time. We still have Billboards, yet nobody comes running over saying "I saw your Billboard!". Instead, they say "Oh, everyone knows [Dealership].". Plate frames are little, miniature billboards.

You believe a DCT to be awful and obsolete?

This is standard procedure for allocations at most dealers. This is what most dealers / manufacturers are already doing.

@Chris, who's idea was the Tazer idea?

Seconding Englishtown. It's well worth the trip for a number of events, and has a much bigger draw than you'd think.

That's not a base model. That's an SE with a SFE package. Mirror caps and Door Handles are painted, has fog lights.

Leasing is actually still favorable, long term, with high mileage, if still under program. Yes, you take a % residual reduction, but in terms of depreciation, you still win out. If you're doing 21k a year, and you can build in an extra 1500 miles into a 20k/year lease, it is often still favorable. The difference is

We just got rid of our Baja. It was my boyfriend's daily from 2005 to 2014. I hated the thing, worse ride than anything I had recently acquired/lowered, and the legroom was atrocious, but it had some charm. Never felt it was terribly slow, and the bed was mildly useful from time to time. Was reasonably reliable for 10

An S8 is not an SUV, and this had a little bit more than Soft-Roading (which is basically driving on flat but not paved ground) He had to go over some mild inclines and twigs, in fact!

It's for the people that "need a 7-Passenger for when their inlaws and parents all come in at the same time once every 3 years". 50% of the time, they don't care how big or comfortable the seats are, just that they are there. We get it all the time.

If you think they would keep the Taurus and ditch the Fusion you haven't been watching the numbers recently. The Taurus is only stumbling on because Explorer-shared parts reduce costs, and your grandma is on her third.

Raph, you have merely spied a portion of what you're missing out here in the T.