Bill Takespeare

I was talking to a friend at this pub the other night, and I half-jokingly said something to the effect of “bowling is the working-class golf!” The bar tender looked at me and said: “well, I think the working class golf!”—then, he started talking about how, where he grew up in Scotland, golf didn’t have

World: Tough Luck, Colts!

I wonder what the Knights of Columbus think about all of this

Jets-Bills gets 6 throwgasms for me.


hey, leave Jess Christ out of this!

Mother Theresa wasn’t perfect either tho

Well, I have a nalgene that’s basically the only cup I ever use for water at home...and it never leaves the apartment! I have a cat, so I like being able to have a lid on any beverage that’ll be out of my line of sight for 13 seconds.

you’re what they call a comment Artest


yeah cumin’ is good, but I really value the non-sexual parts of relationships, too

saving the best* for last

No, he passed on the offer because LeBron wants him to come off the bench! (Vet minimum)

No, he’s actually very much against Chris Sale. Those 2 can’t stand each other! ....SMH, check ur sources!

In defense of the half-length tights/compression shit built into shorts (never in camo tho, ew), thy are honestly life changing! I can never work out in anything else now. But yea no fuck all that bright matchy shit.

NFL Street on gamecube. Don’t @ me.

The difference is that these men are all professional baseball players. Guy playing pick-up at the park are not professional athletes. I understand there’s hyperbole at play. But I think it’s fair to think about whether these professionals will ever be able to climb the job ladder in their careers—that’s different

Bittersweet—loved my big Jedi! But let’s see if Russell can do the reverse-DWill and actually become a better player after coming to the Nets.

Yeah the really weird thing is that what’s fucking us is pitching. But Matz and Lugo and Gsellman (recently) have actually looked great!

well, JR did tweet “Cavs in 7”...which means *they’re* going to win by 40 tonight—JR’s 40, to be exact, on 12/12 from three and 4/4 from the stripe (cheap fouls on the way to the rack)