No Geralt?
+1 pulled pork sandwich
hey y’all, name’s Ulohtsa, and I’m just here to say that the way non-white folks talk on the internet is ridiculous! Sad!
Baltika + Evan Williams + snapping the waste band of your underwear loudly against your skin as an alternative to ragequitting in Smash4.
i fuccs wit the vision. lets link up im tryna build
i know rigHt? it’s the got darned LIBERALS—being WHITE drops yuor chances 70%
don’t forget
Um...why not just put the phone farther away?
NOT PICTURED: OP rock/flying type that wackjob scientists on a weird island turn this amber into.
Other (relevant!) substitution not mentioned: Hannibal Buress subbed in for Todd Bowles in that press conference.
+1 Draper scoff
Not the greatest deal, probably, but: Gears of War 4, Skyrim, and Fallout 4 (~70$ total).
yeah, I was joking about their inclusion on this list...I’ll be happy if they finish above .500
I was thinking the other day that another thing rich liberals can do in the immediate future is seek out Thiel-esque litigation finance ops against the Donald. It’s not like the opportunities aren’t there, with the numerous cases being bought against him currently or with the potential to be in the near future.
But the real question is: were they ELITE massage chairs?