Dean Kish


Run, Barry Run!

XXX means a whole other thing when addressing this comic property, Mr Cohen… betcha he never even read the comics… its the Crow with a titular heroine and lots of sex… not exactly rocket science storytelling

I thought it was called THE REAL OATMEAL? Probably why i never watched

Does he have an Obama checklist or something?

It hasn't been the same since Sean Bean lost his head… oops spoilers!

Klingon's didn't have WARBIRDS… they had Birds of Prey… the Warbird was Romulan… it looks very Vulcan/Romulan with the straight edge… I wonder what era the show will be… It could be the first ship after First Contact

The finale was awful!

Just cancel it

Redeem the Black Cauldron!! Bring us Taran's full journey!

Not everyone can be Netflix!

Maybe with the Jaws reboot they can use a real shark and he can eat the guys who came up with the idea!!

let me guess one of them is gay

Northern Exposure meets Dexter!!