
If they voted him out, they’d have to admit they were wrong in the first place. Their specific brand of moral cowardice is based on their absolute terror of discovering they are not right all the time. That someone else could be right, and they’d have to admit it, even a tacit admission, is the worst possible thing

I still don’t know how this isn’t universally interpreted as an infringement on the 4th amendment. It’s exactly what it was written for, to protect against this kind of thing.

Seems like Wallace opened himself a can of whoops-ass.

Are we sure that isn’t just one of the X’s famous panel gaps?

To be fair I think the riders were equally at fault. They were riding far too close to each other to be able to stop safely in the event of an accident, were taking up both lanes of the road (poor driving etiquette) and had their bikes been equipped with a bell, they’d have been able to warn the lady of their

as a cyclist whos raced on the professional level here in the US, I’d agree in saying there are a lot of dickwad cyclists out there, but (respectfully, and in this instance) i dont think this article is the right time to bring that up... shes a professional level athlete, and the reality is that 99% of pro athletes

A neat initiative is Rails to Trails (and similar orgs). They try to obtain abandoned railroad ROWs and turn them into pedestrian pathways. 

So, first thing, stop signs are fucking stupid. America is littered with them and has far more road accidents and deaths than Western Europe, which has hardly any, and has a priority system designed to focus your attention on the actual hazard of oncoming traffic, rather than the act of stopping itself.

The day a cyclist “blows through an intersection” t-bones a minivan and kills the occupants your argument, or thought, might begin to make sense.

I booked DMX at a show in Atlanta around... I want to say it was Halloween 2011. Anyway, I didn’t really know what to expect. At that point in his career, DMX was something of a novelty name to add to a bill. Our other acts that night were all pretty standard EARMILK fare, and our audience was probably just old enough

Investors aren’t looking at anything with Tesla, it’s just pure delusion.

The P/E ratio is currently over 1,600. Investors would have to legitimately believe that Tesla’s future market cap will be $32 trillion? 15x more than the current most valuable company?

l m a o

Somehow I imagine her memory of the constitution also gets a little fuzzy when it comes to the “well-regulated militia” part of those gun rights.

Not only that, but they understood the Constitution could change with the times, so they added the ability to amend it.

“That means that I interpret the Constitution as a law...I understand it to have the meaning that it had at the time people ratified it. That meaning doesn’t change over time and it’s not up to me to update it or infuse my policy views into it,”

This is not a ‘both sides’ issue. When the question is “should police be allowed to kill unarmed, sleeping civilians” the answer is “no” and there’s no option to be tolerant or open-minded. There isn’t a compromise “police can have a little murder, as a treat” option. While there might be different solutions to the

Man, I hate it when Jalopnik forces me to read things I don’t like.

Let’s film Helen Mirren dressed as Queen Elizabeth II reading this so Damon can get a screenwriting Oscar.

No minds were changed.”

Baby boomers literally invented the phrase “don’t trust anyone over 30" and now whine about ageism. Meanwhile, baby boomers love to accuse younger generations of being “snowflakes” about language.